NAWG 15 : 2017, Czech Republic

Folder NAWG 15 : 2017, Czech Republic

NAWG 15 URL visit group photo sNAWG 15 Field trip to SÚRAO’s Bukov URL in the former Rozna uranium mineThe 15th NAWG Workshop was held from Tuesday, 23rd to Thursday, 25th May, 2017 at the ÚJV laboratory, Řež, Prague in the Czech Republic.

On Friday 26th May there was a Field trip to SÚRAO’s Bukov URL in the former Rozna uranium mine.

The workshop was held with the kind support of  ÚJV Řež, a.s. and SÚRAO

The main presentations at NAWG 15 are listed below :


Select Toggle Title Date
pdf Session V 6 Fujii bentonite low alkali cement reaction ( pdf, 4.80 MB ) (2524 downloads) Popular
pdf Session V 7 Reijonen IBL project overview ( pdf, 2.21 MB ) (3419 downloads) Popular
pdf Session V 8 Kijima Natural analogue study on the effect of loading bentonite ( pdf, 1.01 MB ) (1337 downloads) Popular
pdf Session V 9 Alexander NA for borehole sealing ( pdf, 1.65 MB ) (1280 downloads) Popular
pdf Session V last words ( pdf, 557 KB ) (1130 downloads) Popular